Friday, August 21, 2015

Picking The Right Protein Powder

Walk into any supplement store, take a look at someones training program, look at magazine covers, or even do some research on working out what is one very common thing you are almost guaranteed to see? If you said protein powders then I'm secretly jumping for joy at my desk with the relief that we are on the same page. Now they're so many different protein powders and without the proper understanding it can be hard to understand what the difference is, all the different names may seem like some foreign language. Besides sometimes when you go into some supplement stores they may try and tell you that you need this and that which makes a crazy bill at the end. Now we see protein powder as a staple in the fitness industry but is it really worth it? If you're considering taking protein powders or you currently are but you're not sure what the difference is from one type to the next it could be key to first understand what its really used for. 

Why Take It? 

As I mentioned above anyone can be curious what these protein powders do, working in a gym some members make it seem as though they absolutely need protein powder to make any progress but is that really true? Supplements are there to help you meet your daily macro requirements so I'm talking protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fats. Knowing that we can now understand that protein powders are there to help reach your protein intake goal in a given day. Don't rely on your supplements! Like I said they are there to help but not be relied on to meet your date requirements, get your nutrition in check then look at supplements. Now this doesn't mean you need protein supplements, yes I said it. If you're someone who can reach their daily protein intake level in a day from eating whole foods then you're golden and theres no need to supplement with protein powders. However if you find that meeting those daily protein intake requirements seem like you are stuffing your face with food non stop or simply don't have time to make that extra meal to reach that level then by all means a protein supplement may be something you might want to consider. Protein shakes can be easy, fast, and convenient to add into your daily meals to take things to a new level but timing is important especially with the type of protein you go with. Before I get too far I should let you know how to determine your daily protein requirements right? Well to keep things easy its would probably be best to aim for 1g/lb of bodyweight. This number can change depending on your body fat percentage but for now you would be safe going for 1g/lb. If you happen to be someone overweight and you figure you need to consume 300g of protein for a 300lb individual then that may be pretty excessive. You could be better off with limiting that down to around 200g a day because that is substantial even for someone who weighs a decent amount above that. Don't worry consuming that much protein in a day will not make you jacked or huge, its your nutrition as a whole not just protein that will make a difference depending on your goal.

Types of Protein:

Whey Protein

Questionably one of the most popular types of protein out there but what does it actually mean? The reason why whey protein is so popular is because it has been show to promote muscle growth as well as fat loss. So who wouldn't want that am I right? Well some other key things about whey protein is that it is digested fast and absorbed faster than some other protein powders which is ideal for a post workout shake since you are giving your now depleted body the nutrients it needs for recovery after a workout. Whey also has the highest branched chain amino acid context. It has roughly 11% leucine, 9% isoleucine and valine (2:1:1 ratio). Branched chain amino acids play a big role in optimizing your recovery and also helps increase the activation of the mTOR pathway. Now that we know that a good time to take a protein shake using whey is right after a workout there is another prime time to use whey as well and thats at the beginning of the day right when you wake up. If you think about it your body becomes depleted after burning through everything from a workout but what some tend to forget is how your body is constantly burning even while they sleep. By taking a shake right when you wake up it refills your body and is a great way to start off your day. 

Whey Concentrate

When a protein supplement says "protein concentrates" this means that it contains roughly 70%-80% protein. Now you may be thinking how is that possible to only be 70-80 percent protein what about the rest? Well the remaining percentage comes from carbohydrates, minerals, and fats. Similar to whey protein it can be very beneficial to take after a tough workout because it can help with growth, recovery, and repair. Since this type of protein has a big of everything in it then you can benefit from taking it at any point in the day. 

Whey Isolates

Protein Isolates however have been processed more to eliminate the non protein parts so it actually contains up to 90% protein with less non- protein nutrients. Don't get carried away though just because it says more protein doesn't mean its better than concentrate. Since it has been processed to get rid of non protein parts then someone looking to up the carbohydrate intake for a day may want those nutrients left in. So protein that says whey protein isolates will be around 90% protein. Since the whey is digested and absorbed faster than a concentrate then it has been show to increase insulin levels more. Another thing to keep in mind is since the isolate protein has been processed more then the price may tend to be slightly higher then what you can expect a concentrate to be. 


Hydrolysate or hydrolyzed protein means there is partially digested proteins with polypeptides and peptides. Now why would someone want partially digested proteins right? That just sounds unappealing but believe it or not it can be beneficial. The peptides help provide amino acids, building blocks, and additional actions in the body. Whey hydrolysate can be taken at any point of the day but some find it beneficial to take it both before and after a workout. The protein molecules in whey hydrolysate have been hydrolyzed to allow faster absorption which in the end can help with your recovery as a post workout. Taking it before a workout can help make sure you have a sufficient amount of nutrients for a workout. If you take it before or after a workout it can lead to better results from your workout since it helps with recovery. This type of protein also contains little to no lactose or other additives and is also cholesterol free. 


Casein is a slow digesting protein which makes it great for a substantial shake for between meals or before bed because it will fight catabolism (catabolism- the breakdown of muscle after a workout). This type of protein does have a lower anabolic effect meaning it doesn't have a big muscle building effect when compared to a whey protein. However,  casein is a good source of BCAA's (Branched Chain Amino Acids) and glutamine which both help reduce muscle breakdown. Since it is slow digesting it won't be absorbed into the muscles as fast as a whey would be however it can be helpful with providing your body with the nutrients it needs over a long period of time.

The five types of protein I have listed above are only some that are available, there are still types like weight gainers, MRP's (Meal Replacement Powders), soy proteins, milk protein isolates, RTD (Ready to Drink protein shakes), and more. Now that you have an idea on some of the different types that are out there you need to ask yourself if its something you really need. Some can become pretty pricy so make sure you check out that nutrition label and see if it has what you need if not then there are many others to pick from. Depending on the protein and the brand the recommended serving size can vary so read that container, if theres a gainer that says take 4 scoops a day and that seems unmanageable for you then don't get it. Each type is unique in its own way so you need to pick something that works for you and one you will enjoy! Don't be like me and buy a five pound bag of protein in a flavour that was awful! There are supplement stores that offer samples so make sure you pick a flavour you like otherwise those shakes will seem like a chore, trust me I found that out the hard way after five pounds of nasty protein powder, :S

Keep in mind by clicking the Cellucor Whey found on the right side close to the top of this blog will actually take you to from there if you use the promo code RONNIEV in checkout you can get 25% off you order+ free shipping (shipping depends on your location) :)

Ronnie Vercruyssen,
"Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up"- Rocky Balboa

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