Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Things You Need For The Gym

When you first start going to the gym it can seem like a totally new atmosphere, you don't know the rules, you don't know how to act, and you might not know what to bring. By the time you step into the gym you just observe your surroundings like a new born baby trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Depending on the gym you go to the environment will be different but chances are you will see some people using gym accessories. From a beginners perspective you may start to question if you need what they're using or if they know something you don't. With this article I will go over some common gym accessories that you can spot at any gym and you can be the judge if its something you really want or would like to invest in. In all honestly the only things you really need is gym clothes, a water bottle, a lock (if you plan on using the lockers), and a good pair of running/ training shoes but if you're wanting to take things to the next level or you're looking to change things up a little then here you go!

Weight Lifting Gloves

With weight lifting gloves it seems like people either love them or hate them but who cares what others think this is your time to hit the gym and make those gains right?! Basically gloves are used to protect your hands and thats basically all they will do for you. If your hands are not used to weight lifting then chances are the knurl (the texture on the bar or dumbbells to add traction) can hurt your hands because your hands don't have any callus on them. If you're someone looking into lifting but don't want callused hands then this is a good option. More times then not a fair bit of people start off using gloves and eventually ease off them. Personally when I was younger I had gloves but I eventually switched to bare hands to get a better grip on the bar. Gloves can be bought at any sports store and aren't very expensive. 


Headphones on, world off. When I put my headphones on and start my workout playlist it gets me pumped up, all of my focus is on my workout and I'm not distracted by my surroundings. Besides if others see you have headphones on chances are they won't come up and start talking to you so its a great way to stay focused. Some gyms play music through speakers but if its a genre you're not into then look into some headphones. The price can vary depending on the headphones you get. You can get the in-ear headphones, the ones that wrap around your ear, or even the over the ear headphones like all those Beats by Dr. Dre headphone-wearing-gym-goers. Use a set of headphones you know will take a beating or you're not worried about ruining. Once you work up a sweat some headphones aren't able to handle it and you can end up only have one headphone work which is a total p*ss off. There is the option of getting wireless headphones but they can be more expensive. If you are looking for ones that will last but don't want to break the bank then I would recommend getting a pair of the Bose sport in ear headphones. They come with different sizes along with the headphones to fit anyones ear and they stay in. Ever since I got them I have never had one fall out even while on the treadmill. The ones I got are the older ones and I got them for $60.00 but there is a newer version of them that cost over $100. If you find a pair of these at a good price I would highly recommend them. 


There's two different types of wraps, there are knee wraps and wrist wraps which are primarily used for support on the joints. Knee wraps are used for squats and wrist wraps are used for any pushing movement (ex. bench press and shoulder press). These two are not a must especially for a beginner unless you have weak knees or wrists. If you're a more serious lifter and have been for a while and want to use some heavy weights then it could be a good accessory to look into. If you do get wraps I would advise you not to heavily rely on them, for shoulder press you don't want to only do the exercise with the wraps because you want to strengthen that joint . 


Say you pick up a heavier weight and half way through your set your forearms are just on fire! Before you know it you feel as though your forearms are going to give out before the muscle you're trying to train does. That is where straps can come in handy to help you finish off those last extra reps. Straps are used to help with your grip so you can hold onto a heavier weight without dropping in or worrying about your grip giving out. Don't rely on straps, you don't want to develop every muscle yet have the grip strength on a toddler do you? I would recommend using straps for the last couple sets of an exercise if its a must. Straps are only used for certain exercises so don't be that guy using straps for dumbbell curls, use them for things like shrugs, deadlifts, and rows. 

Yoga Mat

Are you doing yoga? If no then you don't need one, simple as that. If you are wanting one to do core work on once again you won't need it, gyms have mats available for you to use. If you are doing yoga then by all means go right ahead!

Sport Arm Bands

Arm bands that hold your phone are a hit and miss for me. They do come in handy for some occasions but other times they can be a pain in the butt. If you're into running or other types of cardio then yes they come in handy but when you use it while training arms as an example I find when I contract the muscle at the top of the movement the strap get too tight and restricts blood flow which isn't the best feeling. I will normally just stick my phone in my pocket instead. These are supper easy to find for iPhones like any other phone accessory but there is no need to spend a bunch of money on one. An accessory like this that is $50.00 sure isn't going to do anything too different compared to one thats $15.00 besides its going to get soaked in sweat eventually anyways. 

Weight Lifting Belt

Weight lifting belts come in all different shapes and sizes but in the end they're used to help you do movements like squat and deadlifts with a heavy weight with more support. Belts are not made for every exercise so its pointless to use a belt while doing bicep curls because you aren't putting stress on the lower back. The belt is wrapped around your abdomen above your hips and you want it to be tight so when you take a big breath you stomach presses up against the belt. Now why would you want something like that? When you press up agains the belt it limits how far your abdomen can go out and will also increase the pressure around your core so it can also help with stabilizing the lower back. When you go to do a squat with a heavy weight and you struggle to push through those last couple reps you can unintentionally push out your abdomen or even start putting unwanted pressure on your lower back but with a belt you can help prevent some of that. Now I say prevent because belts won't protect you from injury, its there as an accessory to help prevent any injury as long as you use it properly and you maintain proper form. Good belts are make out of sturdy leather so for the first couple of times using one you can expect to get some bruising from it which is fine it just means the belt need to be broken in.  In some ways a belt can be like a new pair of shoes, at first they're stiff but you just need to break them in. If you are someone who is looking into bodybuilding, or powerlifting then it can be a handy tool to use in your workouts but as a beginner its not a necessity. Belts can vary in pricing but a good belt can usually be around $100.

Weight Lifting Chalk

Weight lifting chalk can be really cheap but a bunch of gyms don't allow it because it can be messy. The chalk is used to get rid of the moisture on your hands and will prevent the bar from slipping. It's ideal to use chalk on movements like the deadlift. Using the chalk will help increase the friction on the bar so your hands don't slip from sweat. Once again this is not a must but if you're looking into getting some make sure your gym allows it! 

Knee Sleeves

To start off with the knee sleeve I just want to clarify a knee brace and a knee sleeve are not the same. Knee sleeves are used to protect the knee from future injury or damage especially with movements like jumping, running, and weightlifting. Knee sleeves are meant to be tight so the compression will keep your knee warm which helps increase blood flow through the blood vessels of the knee. By increasing the blood flow it will help reduce pain and will help with recovery. It is important to protect your knees so sleeves can be a smart investment especially while doing squats. Good knee sleeves made out of neoprene will be around $50.00 per sleeve. 

Weight Lifting Shoes

Weight lifting shoes can be a pricy option but if you're a fitness fanatic and want to take things to the next level then they can be a great investment. Weightlifting shoes can primarily be used for squats. So why can't you just use your running shoes aren't they practically the same thing? Well those shoes are used for running so that means they have more cushioning in the sole. This can impact your squat because some of that force you are generating to push that weight up can end up being absorbed into the the shoes. So basically the less cushioning the more force you can generate into the ground to drive up. Now you may be wondering alright so I can just squat barefoot or get those fancy barefoot shoes which is great but the weightlifting shoes still have some more advantages than just the force. If you look closely you can see that the shoe itself has a raised heel. With the raised heel it can make a big difference because it allows you to get into a deeper squat from the increased range of motion in the ankle. Another advantage you can find while using weightlifting shoes is it can help with your overall position by allowing you to have a more upright torso. The more upright you are helps you get that bar straight up and down. Weight lifting shoes aren't used for a full workout just exercises like the squat and deadlifts. 

The accessories I have listed above are not a must have, they are optional to add onto your workout and yet there's still many more accessories available like Fat Gripz, Fitness Trackers, Arm Blasters, Foam Rollers, etc. Each accessory is great in its own way so if its something you think would be beneficial then maybe see if your gym has one you can try and test out before you buy one. Theres no accessory that will make you great, that part is all of you but theres tools that can help you along the way. 

Ronnie Vercruyssen,
"Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up"- Rocky Balboa

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